Should your recruitment marketing change during a crisis?
The short answer is yes. Your recruitment marketing should change during the COVID-19 crisis. But that doesn’t mean it should stop altogether.
How should you adapt your recruitment marketing during the current situation? Well, it all depends upon your individual situation. Some businesses have told us they are on a complete recruitment freeze, whilst others have frozen some areas but continue to recruit into other departments. Some organisations are even seeing an increased need to recruit into their teams, so are doing the opposite.
However, despite the variety of different recruitment challenges being faced, the message is still the same: you must adapt your recruitment marketing strategy.
How should your recruitment marketing change?
Firstly, you have to consider the situation your business is in. If you’ve had to lay off a lot of your staff or freeze recruitment indefinitely, then now is the perfect time to adopt a nurture campaign. You may not be recruiting right now, but you do need to keep your potential future recruits engaged (as well as any employees who have been laid off but you’d happily take back after the crisis).
With 81%* of candidates researching an employer via online content and 55%* saying that email would be their preferred method to hear from potential employers, these should be your go-to methods of communication. A nurture campaign which includes online content, such as your website, articles and social media, and email enables you to emphasise your mission, vision and values to potential recruits. It is also a space for you to explain your current situation, but more importantly, keep those candidates engaged until we’re through the other side.
These methods are also important if you are requiring additional staff to meet the demand on your business in the current climate. Now is the time to ramp up your recruitment advertising with job listings on relevant job sites and a content series aimed at encouraging applicants to apply now.
How can we help?
Whatever your current recruitment situation, it’s important not to become complacent. Undoubtedly, there will be changes and businesses will need to assess their situation once we return to work, but those decisions will be a lot easier if you’re starting out in a good position. Now is the time to grow your talent pools, concentrate on your employer brand and keep your current and future employees engaged.
As a job board, we do not purely offer job listings. Our products and services are wide reaching, meaning we can offer you a solution whatever your current needs might be. From targeted email campaigns to branded content and display advertising, we have the gravitas of powerful brands to ensure you reach a relevant and engaged audience. An audience that we have seen grow over recent weeks.
If you would like to speak to someone about your recruitment marketing or employer branding efforts, we are offering free telephone consultations. Please call 020 8267 8436 for more information.
*Wonderful Workplaces Employer Branding Insights 2019